10 Oily Skin Care Tips: How to Control Oily Skin

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Oily skin tips

Oily skin tips

Oily skin is an unfortunate reality of life, but it doesn’t have to be a full-time condition. With a few simple steps, you can manage your oiliness and even prevent breakouts.

Here are 10 Oily Skin Care Tips for Controlling Oily Skin:

Wash regularly (and with the right products)

The most important thing you can do for oily skin is to wash your face regularly. This means that you should wash at least twice a day, but if it’s possible for you to do so more often than that, even better! Just make sure that whatever cleanser or lotion is used doesn’t dry out your skin further by scrubbing too hard. Instead of scrubbing away at the oil problem on top of an already greasy base layer of dead cells, try using warm water instead of soap and gently patting these areas dry after each use—you’ll see results faster than if you were using harsh cleansers like bar soap or cream cleansers which trap dirt inside them rather than removing it from underneath layers above them (which would cause oil production).

Exfoliate wisely

Exfoliating is a must for any oily skin. But you don’t want to go overboard and end up with dry, flaky patches on your face. Luckily, there’s a ton of options out there when it comes to exfoliators—one of which is salicylic acid. This ingredient helps restore hydration and smooths fine lines while also brightening up your complexion by reducing acne scars and blemishes.

Don’t use harsh products or scrubs that will irritate your skin; instead opt for gentle ones like those made by niacinamide (also known as vitamin B3). If you’re using a scrub that contains both fruit acids like glycolic acid and salicylic acid then be sure not use more than 2% of each product per application so as not overdo things!

Apply sunscreen every day

Sunscreen is a must-have for oily skin. In fact, it’s even recommended that you apply sunscreen every day of your life!

Unfortunately, many people don’t know how to apply sunscreen properly—and even if they do follow the instructions on their bottle, it may still be too late for them when they get burnt by the sun.

Here are some tips:

  • Apply at least 30 minutes before sun exposure begins and reapply every 2 hours (or as directed). If you’re sweating or swimming in water after applying sunscreen, wait 10 minutes before re-applying it again.
  • Choose an SPF 30+ with at least 15% titanium dioxide or zinc oxide; these ingredients will help lessen discoloration caused by ultraviolet light exposure. * Use a moisturizer with SPF in it so that any leftover makeup won’t clog pores later on down stream

Use a moisturizer formulated for oily skin

Start with a non-oil-free moisturizer.

The best way to control oily skin is by using products that are formulated for it and not regular skin care. A good example of this is the brand CeraVe Moisturizing Facial Lotion, which contains ceramides, hyaluronic acid and chamomile extract to help keep your skin feeling firm and soft. It also contains no alcohol which can dry out your pores over time if you’re using an oil-free product on top of it. You should also make sure that any moisturizer you choose doesn’t contain any comedogenic ingredients (those that clog pores).

Keep your hands away from your face

One of the best ways to control oil is to keep your hands away from your face. This is especially true for those with acne-prone skin, who are prone to breakouts and blemishes.

When it comes to keeping your hands clean and bacteria-free, there’s no better option than washing them thoroughly before bedtime. This will help keep any leftover dirt or grime from clogging up pores on contact with your face throughout the day, which can lead to an increase in oil production later on when you go into contact with things such as makeup brushes or hairbrushes that are dirty themselves (and may even have been used by others). If this sounds like something that might be happening already in your life—or if you just want some extra reassurance that it won’t happen again—try using antibacterial hand sanitizer instead of soap when washing dishes after meals or dishes full of vegetables like carrots and celery sticks; these foods contain high amounts of natural sugars called starches which encourage yeast growth if they aren’t washed properly beforehand so don’t forget about them!

Remove your makeup each night

If you have oily skin, it’s important to remove your makeup before going to bed so that the oil doesn’t stay on top of your skin and cause breakouts. It’s also a good idea to use a makeup remover that is gentle on the skin because some products can be harsh or irritate the area around your eyes and lips. You may find that using cotton swabs or pads works well for removing stubborn waterproof formulas—but if you’re still having trouble getting rid of them, try washing them off with warm water and then applying an oil-free moisturizer overtop! Some oils will cling onto dry patches so make sure not only do they contain she a butter but also natural ingredients such as jojoba seed butter which helps prevent moisture loss due to evaporation from hot showers/baths etcetera.”

Cleanse twice (and use the right cleanser)

You’ll want to use a gentle cleanser that doesn’t dry your skin out. Make sure it is oil-free, too!

If you have oily skin, try starting with an oil-free makeup remover first (like the one I used in this video), followed by a cleanser that has salicylic acid and glycolic acid. These acids help break down sebum so they can be removed more easily by washing off with water or steam.

Use blotting papers and medicated pads to control oil throughout the day

  • Use blotting papers to remove excess oil.
  • Use medicated pads to treat breakouts.
  • Don’t use too many blotting papers, or you will dry out your skin.
  • Don’t use too many medicated pads, or you will dry out your skin.

Treat yourself to a professional facial

One of the best ways to help control your oil production is by getting a professional facial. A professional facial will treat your skin with gentle but effective methods, such as steam, masks and massage. These treatments can help reduce the appearance of blemishes and pores while also improving the overall health of your complexion.

A professional facial will remove dead skin cells from your face using either hot towels or cold cloths that are placed on different areas of the face for different amounts of time (from 10 minutes to 30 minutes). This process removes excess oils from deep within pores where they build up over time without being able to escape through surface area pores like those found near hair follicles or at other places on our bodies where we sweat most often such as underarms when wearing shirts without sleeves during summertime heat waves!

Consider seeing a dermatologist if over-the-counter remedies don’t work (and talk to them about prescription retinoids)

If you’re going to see a dermatologist, it’s important to know that they will probably suggest prescription retinoids. Prescription retinoids are vitamin A derivatives and they can be used to treat acne, psoriasis and other skin conditions.

Because these products have been shown to work well on oily skin, it’s likely that your doctor will prescribe them for you if your current routine doesn’t work out. Be sure not to use them without talking with your doctor first—and avoid using more than one product at once; doing so could cause irritation or dryness in some cases!

You can control oily skin and improve control of breakouts

It’s important to remember that oily skin and breakouts are not the same thing. Oily skin is a genetic condition, which means you were born with it. If you have oily skin, there’s nothing else you can do about it except try to keep your face clean and use over-the-counter products like cleansers or scrubs until your skin gets used to these products. For example:

  • You can use an oil-free facial cleanser twice a day but only if it doesn’t irritate your skin because this could cause breakouts (and possibly make them worse).
  • You shouldn’t use any kind of exfoliating mask for more than five minutes at a time because this could irritate sensitive areas around your eyes, nose and mouth—which would then lead towards more frequent breakouts in those places!


We hope this guide has given you a better understanding of what causes oily skin and how to control it. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments below.

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